This interview series is made in collaboration with From Tiny Islands, where we sit down with three remarkable young women to share their story about the three words in our new Kamma collection.
ENOUGH - Jessie Setiono
Did you ever experience moments where you felt like you were not enough? can you share how you overcame it?
JS: I experience various forms of anxiety throughout my life. At one stage I felt like I was not beautiful enough, not skinny enough, not smart enough, not athletic enough, not talented enough, not brave enough. In summary, I was not enough.
Those anxieties in turn pushed me into working so hard to fulfil everything that I thought was not enough. This is a blessing and a curse. It made me the woman I am today, but at the same time it made me over-worked and over-ambitious (i.e, wanting to do so many things in one day unfortunately I only have 24 hours a day!).
I'm not saying I've overcame this, but I learning how to say enough and accept that I have my own limitations (we're only human!).
What do you think will happen if we start accepting ourselves as we are - instead of constantly looking elsewhere?
JS: I think once we achieve that state of contentment, we can truly be at peace.
What does Enough mean to you?
JS: The ability to say stop.
What does true luxury mean to you?
JS: The simplest, truest luxury of all: sleeping early :-)
Jessie is a financial lawyer who spends her free time supporting causes she believes in. She is wearing PAGI Traveller's Pants and ENOUGH Silk-Cotton Bandana + Bracelet Set.